Friday, January 11, 2013

Clay Castles

My example of a standing slab castle
(not as good as some of the student work!)
My New Year's Resolution is to actually blog some projects, starting with some amazing 5th grade clay castles.  Because some of the classes were interrupted by field trips and half days, we did this project 2 different ways; both were very successful.

If the classes only had one art time to do their clay project, they simply did a castle facade. Some were able to add towers to make their facade stand and some just did flat slab castles.

Some classes had two art periods to work with clay so they did 3D clay castles with 4 sides and towers.  These turned out amazing.  I gave each student a template to cut their pieces from but otherwise they added their own ideas and details- I originally got this lesson from MIDDLE SCHOOL (7th grade!) but my students are so amazing I knew they were up for the challenge.

Ethan's standing slab castle

Lauren's standing slab castle (oops, glaze drool)

Blake's standing slab castle

Katherine's 3D castle

Avanti's 3D castle

Thomas's flat slab castle facade

Victoria's 3D castle

Ethan's flat castle facade
Sriram's 3D painted castle in progress

Fran's 3D castle

1 comment:

  1. these are beautiful castles, i bet the kids absolutely loved the process.
